Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalms 37:4 KJV
Kathleen has always loved writing, and as a senior in high school, she won first place and an Elks Club Scholarship for writing an essay entitled What America Means to Me. She went to Brazil for a year as a Rotary Club foreign exchange student, and then returned to the University of New Mexico to pursue her Bachelor of Arts degree in Portuguese. While studying at UNM, she wrote an essay that was published in The University of New Mexico Honors Review, and also served in the Army National Guard. She graduated Magna Cum Laude, and then attended law school at Florida State University where she received her Juris Doctorate degree in 1993. In her "spare time," she wrote her first novel entitled Children in the Wind. During law school, she served on the editorial staff of the Journal of Transnational Law and Policy, and tutored other law students in legal writing and other subjects. After law school, she worked as a legislative analyst for the Florida State Senate until her first child was born, after which she became a stay at home mom and homeschooled her children.
Kathleen and her husband became medical foster parents, and while caring for a number of foster children and her own biological children, she had three articles published in Fostering Families Today. She went back to work in 2004 as an attorney for the Department of Children and Families, first as a trial attorney handling child abuse cases, and later as Assistant General Counsel at the DCF General Counsel's Office. She now works for the Office of Court Improvement for the Supreme Court of Florida where she works on programs that are designed to enhance and improve domestic violence and family courts throughout Florida. Kathleen and her husband, Jim, have been married for twenty-seven years and are the parents of eight children, five of which they adopted from the Florida Department of Children and Families. The University of New Mexico alumni magazine honored the family by featuring them in an article in October, 2004. She also taught business law to online students through Liberty University. They make their home in the panhandle of Florida. Kathleen is a Christian and serves as a drummer on her church's worship team. Kathleen also enjoys photography and published her first book of photos in partnership with Joann Wibberley, a poet, to benefit the school of ministry missions in Africa.